Explore Amazing Places With These Adventure eBooks

Adventure eBooks draw readers into a world that you would have never explored. These eBooks are considered invisible zip lines for the reader’s mind. Here are eBooks that will take your family on great adventures.

Into Thin Air – Jon Krakauer

This eBook provides readers with a first-hand account of the deadly blizzard that left eight people dead between May 10 and 11, 1996. This was the most lethal Everest climbing season in history until the avalanches occurred in 2014 and 2015. The existing eyewitness account of the events that unfolded at 29,000 feet is an achievement he will live to tell. Visit Voxency to learn more about these events.

Adrift – Steven Callahan

Adrift tells the true-life story of how Steven Callahan spent scary 76 days at sea on an inflatable raft. Being the only one who survived more than one month at sea, his adventurous experience is inspiring. Adrift was rated as one the best adventurous seafaring classic books of all time. The story of this eBook comes from Tami Oldham’s account. She spent 41 days in the Pacific Ocean after Hurricane Raymond destroyed her boat.

Christian Beamish’s The Voyage of the Cormorant

If you want your children to be inspired to dream big, share this eBook with them. In this adventure story, not everything goes as planned. The plan of sailing along the coast of California and Baja is an educational and fulfilling experience.

For more adventure ebooks, head over to Voxency.